Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grey has been..

The color of the skies lately, everything all cold and wet. 
I sleep and wake to the sound of the trickles on the railing of my patio, it is so peaceful. 

With all the grey days I have been wanting to make warm, comforting treats. 
I did a spin on my vanilla almond cupcakes. 

I infused them with a favorite tea that I have. 
Both, in the batter and in the glaze.  
For a little extra touch, I added some whipped cream and a dainty blackberry.
I took them in to work for everyone and they disappeared almost as quickly as I brought them in. 
It just goes to show that ideas you get from dreams might be a hit!

I thought today would be the perfect day for a crumble!
I brightened up my grey day with a blackberry and peach crumble. 
It was absolutely delightful! I added some pecans to the top. 
The color of this dish was just what I needed, vibrant and sweet. 

Try to brighten up your grey days with food! 
It works for a rainy day in, I promise. 

I am now working full-time at Whole Foods Market, and it is really great so far. I am only a couple weeks in but I am meeting some amazing people. And hey, I get a lot of great food out of it! They are doing this great thing there until the end of this month, check it out and donate if you feel like it!  On these frequenting grey days I cannot help but feel a little grey myself.  I am in the process of getting going with where I want to be and what I want to be doing. I am staying hopeful for a bright and sunny future, though. In the meantime, I get to bake and cook for all the wonderful people that surround me. I only hope that the food I give them makes them as happy as I am to have made it! 

Until next time... 
Brighten up those grey days with bright, delicious sweets!

1 comment:

  1. it is always a good day for a crumble, it looks fantastic, can i just stick my face in it?(after it cools down alittle).
