Thursday, January 1, 2009

Oh fudge, it's 2009!

There is nothing like starting out the new year with swoops of luscious, ganache-covered, fudge cakes! 
Lots of them:

That is (above) the eight-inch version of this amazing fudge cake. It's moist, light, rich, and irresistible. They are filled with a chocolate buttercream and then the sides are covered in chocolate almond cookie crumbles. There is also a beautiful six-inch version (below), complete with chocolate shavings (tempered and scraped by yours truly).

I find myself discussing work ethic with people a lot, lately. Maybe it is because the majority of my co-workers are from Mexico.  I love being able to say that I work with them, they are  notoriously known for their good work ethic.  Seeing how hard they work, reminds and pushes me to do better.  I think no matter what profession, career, or life you want for yourself requires hard work.  I have so much respect for people that are doing what they love. Even though they may never "make it,"they still do it because they have such a passion for it.  I realized a long time ago that I may never make a name for myself and I am okay with that.  I was never in it, to do that.  It's just nice to be reminded why you got into what you love.  I had that experience, today: it was a simple smile, followed by and an "Mmmmm," then later by a compliment.  

You have got to love how there is no prejudice when it comes to food. EVERYONE has got to eat and most people love ethnic food.  Have you ever noticed that? Food, like music or art, connects people in ways you would not expect. It is a way to let someone in and see something, hear something, or taste something the way that you do. And maybe, just maybe... you might open their eyes or knock them of their feet with what you have done.  

I am writing a cook book.  A lot of my friends "cannot cook," and then when I tell them how easy things can be they are like "Oh, I didn't know you could do it that way."  I think people just get easily overwhelmed when you see a standard recipe.  I know, I used to!  But, I want to lay things out really casual and make it a thing for my friends and family.  It is really all just about having fun.  Nothing has to be perfect and word-for-word, you have to swap things out and make it your own!

Happy 2009! 

P.S. Now, you can publicly comment my page (you don't have to be a member). I had it set wrong. 


  1. Oh how you gotta love ganache. I make it at work a lot and you can never go wrong when you top something with that!

    I definitely agree with your thoughts on work ethic. One of the best pieces of advice I received this past year, was one that will always stay with me. "Anything you do, anything at all, is worth working hard at and doing well."

  2. "there is no prejudice when it comes to food"
    i know i tell you this alot, but i love the way you write.

  3. Can't wait for this cook book! x

  4. Yay! I can't wait either.
    You will get one of the first copies. :]
    (not saying that you are not a good cook, haha)
