Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Tis the season.. the season of gingerbread

Work has been swamped with orders for sugar cookies and gingerbread men and women.  Tomorrow, is Christmas Eve! Does it feel like Christmas to anyone? It really does not feel like it to me and I am not sure why.  It's just one of those years that has gone by so fast that I am just now catching up, as it is coming to an end.  

Side-note: I think I have become addicted to grilled cheese.  Everyday, since I can remember that's all I eat on break.  They are so delicious.  You should stop in and order one

I got into a discussion with a co-worker today about adjectives for food and how they relate to the price.  We have these 'chocolate-enrobed espresso beans,' at work.  I think they are around $7.00 for a little container (it is a glass container, though).  They could have just as easily been called 'chocolate covered espresso beans,' and probably would have cost a dollar or two less.  It is all about the way you say it.  For example: I could charge you $3.00 for a 'Cream of Lobster,' soup .  However, if I called it 'Lobster Bisque," I could charge a couple dollars more because it sounds fancy.  That is where people will get you! Although, prices can be subject to change for  a lot  of other reasons as well.

For Christmas presents this year I thought the easiest thing to do would just be to bake people gifts.  One of the things I made was cinnamon and sugar toasted pecans.  They are the easiest thing in the world to make and you can use any kind of nut you would like.  I just sort of put things together for this recipe.  I typically do not measure things out for stuff like this.  All the measurements are rough estimates so, just eyeball it and have fun with it!  You can also substitute different sugars for the powdered sugar.  I have tried it with sugar substitutes and granulated sugar.  If you are feeling fancy you can throw in some sort of extract.  You can also add one egg white to the mixture to get things to adhere a little better while it cooks (it is not necessary though).  

You will need:
-1 lb. of pecans (walnuts, almonds, etc.)
-1/3 cup of powdered sugar (roughly)
-2-3 Tablespoons of butter: melted 
-1 Tablespoon of cinnamon

Pre-heat: 350 degrees (F)

Do this: 
Take the pecans and sprinkle in the powdered sugar and cinnamon. Toss with your hands until they are all evenly coated with this mixture.  Pour in the melted butter toss with your hands (or use a spoon & stir), until they are all evenly coated with everything.  Bake in the oven for about 5-8 minutes.  Enjoy!

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