Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Apologies friends...

I have been absent for a little over two months and I am sorry for that. I have just been so busy with work lately and it seems like any little bit of time I get I spend it cleaning or being out with friends. Also my laptop is about to retire, my track pad and keyboard have slowly been going out. So, I can hardly find time to type out anything but drafts of blogs that I never end up publishing. So, let's play catch up...

In July I had an amazing baking day with two wonderful friends: Brittany and Rae. We set up this lovely table of treats and sipped on raspberry lemonade and tea all day. All while watching Marie Antoinette and baking homemade sandwich cookies (oreos). Oh, I have this terrible addiction to Raspberry Pim's. Buy now and thank me later.

The photos from that day were taken by Rae:

Another event I missed out on posting about was the release of the newest Harry Potter film. A group of friends came over to my apartment and hosted a Wizard Feast full of all sorts of magical treats and played games to prepare for the midnight showing. It was an incredible day, for sure! I made these brown and dark purple swirly cupcakes with green buttercream. I thought they were fitting for wizards and witches!

In April I made a post about chocolate chip cookies. I was craving those very cookies and thought this time all the ingredients could be made with everything organic and natural from my workplace. It made for a better quality overall and I highly recommend that everyone do this. The taste is so much better when you have the real stuff. Believe it or not it is affordable also, you just have to shop store brand. It saves you money with no compromise on the taste or quality. Anyway here are those cookies again, enjoy!

After a long day of work these cookies really hit the spot. Baking is relaxing to me, it helps me unwind. You should try it out! Take a classic recipe and get your favorite record. Grab all the ingredients and pull out a bowl & spoon, press play, sift, measure, stir, twirl around and hum to yourself, bake and wait, eat and enjoy your hard work. Tonight was once of those nights for me and I loved it!

Until next time...
Relax & eat sweet things!

1 comment:

  1. So cute and nicely put! Love all the photographs! Those were fun times :)
