Monday, June 8, 2009

It's June: Herbs and new additions

Remember my post about my sprouting herbs?
Well, much to my surprise they have been growing like crazy.

I have been watering them everyday and keeping them in partial shade on my porch. I tried with all my might to revive my rosemary from winter but I do not think it's going to make it. I will have to re-plant and grow that one. As for the others, they are all doing lovely. I cannot wait to start cooking with all of them!


Sage & Thyme:

I have some fresh flowers from work to brighten up my apartment!
We really have a great selection of flowers at work and they last forever.

A few years ago I started saving all my glass bottles for recycling and keeping some for myself for other things. One of my favorite things to do is use them as a vase.

Eventually, I would love to use some for that purpose in my future bakery and also for light fixtures.

This weekend, I was going through some boxes and came across a key holder that I made. It is now hanging above a light switch by the front door. I love those cute little wooden figures, you can use them for so much. I bought a ton of them at Michael's.

My not-so-secret anymore for my place always smelling great (i.e. like cupcakes):

I am not sure how I feel about Tennessee summers, just yet.
It has only just begun and it is humid and hot!
I am definitely looking forward to fall weather, that is my favorite.

Until next time..
Eat sweet things & stay hydrated!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, lucky! Your herbs are doing so much better than mine!!!

    Tennessee summers are sultry and decadent, for sure. Almost unbearable sometimes. You have to make lemonade, really, just to get by. But the Tennessee Autumns make it all worthwhile!
